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“God used me as a sacrificial lamb so that men can learn from my mistakes” – Ubi Franklin advises men



Music executive, Ubi Franklin has surrendered his life as a sacrificial lamb for young men to use as a case study in order to make it in Life.

Ubi Franklin who’s been having a fight between him, his third baby mama, Sandra Iheuwa, and his alleged new girlfriend has delved into a sober reflection as he thinks deeply of his actions, inactions, and reactions.

According to him, he opined that rather than being used as a laughing stock, young men should learn from their mistakes and never condone any form of toxicity near them.

He shared the advice in a post on his IG page, it reads;

”Dear Young Tigers Rather than laugh at me today, learn from my mistakes.
One reason you are alive to read this is because God has kept me as a sacrificial lamb for you to learn from the mistake a young man can make in life.
Never condone any toxic behavior around you.
Learn from this.
Dear ladies, feminism is not hate towards men.
If a woman is wrong call her bluff and keeps it going, this is the height of irresponsibility and demonic manipulation.”

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