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Ghanaians React To The Appointment Of Otto Addo As The New Head Coach Of The Black Stars



We made an earlier report about Otto Addo being named as the brand new head coach of the Black Stars.

This was determined by the chief committee of the Ghana Soccer Affiliation and as we communicate, they’ve submitted the names to the Ministry of Youth and Sports activities for approval.

Within the report, Otto Addo turns into the pinnacle coach whereas British coach, Chris Hughton turns into the technical advisor of the staff.

READ ALSO: JUST IN: Otto Addo Appointed As Black Stars Coach, Chris Hughton As Technical Advisor

After this was recognized, many Ghanaians have shared their views, and under are a number of the views we gathered;

@Coded_bone – What’s the sense in appointing a technical advisor when you consider your head coach is nearer to the staff and is sweet sufficient to deal with the match. Chris Hughton ought to reject the appointment

@uhuruBardman – Honest deal. Catch 22. Otto is aware of the staff, and since Nigeria, over two legs shall get rid of Black Stars, Otto can be blamed for the loss. And he’d resign. And the white man with expertise shall take over.

@Clemmzy_1 – Obama please I don’t gerrit o how on earth will you select a scout coach forward of a coach to guide a complete nationwide staff?

Supply: PressInformant