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Gas Explosion Claims Over 100 Lives At Apenti, Bogoso [Video]



Studies trickling in from the Western Area has it that over 100 individuals have misplaced their lives following a fuel explosion that occurred at Apenti, a suburb in Bogoso within the Western Area.

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In keeping with stories on Onua FM this afternoon by a journalist, the accident was brought on by a Gas Tanker Truck overtaking on the highway.

The overtaking is alleged to have precipitated the gas tanker truck to capsize, leading to an amazing explosion. This occurred at a fuel station as effectively. In consequence, one can think about the kind of explosion.

The variety of deaths, in keeping with the reporter, is estimated to be within the tons of (100). Authorities are at the moment on their strategy to the scene with a purpose to keep regulation and order.

Watch the video under:

in different information, quite a lot of youth believed to be residents of the Nima group have been noticed in a viral video participating in a severe gunfight as they battle one another with lethal weapons.

The rationale for the combat remains to be a thriller however the video captures the moments about 4 of the youth preventing one another with machetes with one critically wounded on the bottom.

In keeping with sources, one individual misplaced his life within the course of with quite a lot of them affected by extreme accidents and machete wounds amid the lethal combat.

Supply: www.