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Five(5) Important Fruits for Weight Loss…



Extra weights can be so undesirable and need to be shed off. Fruits are very effective in the weight loss regimen. Diet modification is important to achieve your weight loss goals. Most fruits contain needed nutrients that promote health, apart from weight management.

The following are fruits effective for weight loss;

1. Avocado


Avocado is effective for fat-loss. An average sized avocados have about 20 grams of healthy fats which is relatively low to the daily requirement. Higher fat in the body may not only increase metabolism but also increase testosterone levels which is one of the main hormones responsible in fat loss for both men and women…


Avocado is the best fruit for weight loss. It is enriched with omega 9 fatty acids and also speeds up metabolism by burning the fat and boosting energy. Apart from promoting weight loss, avocados can reduce total cholesterol levels, reduce the blood triglycerides by up to 20%,lower LDL cholesterol up to 22%, and also increase HDL cholesterol by up to 11%.

2. Watermelon

AvocadoThis fruit is devoid of any fat and contains a low caloric content. A glass cup of its juice contains about 50 calories. Apart from the fact that it contains about 92% water, this fruit is nutrients densed. It contains high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and a small amount of calories which explain its role in weight loss.





3. Apple


Apple is a low caloric fruit. It contains large amount of water that cause you to have the feeling of fullness. This leads to reduced food consumption and low calorie consumption. This promotes weight loss. An apple has about 100 calories. It is easy to carry around, and also makes a great pre-workout snack.It contains high dietary fibers and vitamin A.




4. Pineapple
This delicious fruit has no cholesterol and fat making it a perfect fruit for weight loss. This tropical fruit is a source of vital vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6,and folate. It is regarded as the second favorite fruit in America, banana being the first..

5. Banana


A bunch of ripe bananas Best taken in the raw and green form, banana ensures a full stomach warding off hunger thereby reducing calorie intake for the day, thereby promoting weight loss. Some of the health benefits of this energy dense fruit includes promoting weight loss, reducing obesity, treating intestinal disorders, and relieving constipation.

These fruits provide you with savoring taste while serving your weight loss goals. Most of these fruits have low caloric content and are water filled causing feelings of fullness.