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Father and son abducted as gunmen break into Abuja home



Father and son abducted

Gunmen who broke into an Abuja house, have reportedly kidnapped one Abdullahi Benda, and his 23-year-old son, Jibrin Abdullahi Benda.

The incident occurred at Yangoji village in Kwali Space council of Abuja within the wee hours of Friday September 3.

A neighbour merely recognized as Zakari stated the abductors who positioned themselves at strategic locations, scaled the fence of the sufferer’s home, forcefully destroyed the doorways, went into the room and whisked away the person and considered one of his sons at gunpoint.

Zakari stated;

“In reality, one of many kidnappers was even standing at a window in the back of my room capturing into the air, as a result of it’s a fence that separates us with the sufferer.

“The opposite members of the gang jumped over the fence and entered the home.

“They tried whisking away the person’s wife, however they later spared her after discovering that she was nursing a child.”

Spokesman of the FCT police command, ASP Daniel Y. Ndiparya confirmed the kidnap incident, saying the command was making efforts to make sure the kidnapped victims are rescued alive.

Ndiparya stated;

“Sure, we’re conscious and efforts are being made by the command to rescue the victims.”