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EFCC Arrests Man For $200,000 Bitcoin Investment Scam In Lagos




Operatives of the Financial and Monetary Crimes Fee, EFCC, Lagos Zonal Command, have arrested one Valuable Ofure Omonkhoa for an alleged bitcoin funding rip-off.


Omonkhoa was arrested on November 8, 2021 within the Ikoyi space of Lagos, following credible intelligence acquired by the Fee about his unlawful actions.


A press release launched by the antigraft company says Omonkhoa allegedly posed as Moshem Cnich, a Swedish nationwide, to defraud unsuspecting victims of their hard- earned cash by claiming that he runs a bitcoin Funding scheme, the place folks make investments cash to make big returns.


”Preliminary investigation additionally revealed that the suspect engaged in a courting rip-off and had defrauded two victims in Canada.


Upon his arrest, the suspect confessed to have laundered the proceeds of his fraudulent actions by buying a chunk of land price $150,000USD (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States {Dollars}) by way of bitcoin from CASA-Cubana, a challenge being run by the Cubana Group.


Upon his arrest, the sum of $50,000USD was present in his bitcoin pockets.”the assertion learn


The suspect will quickly be charged to court docket.