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Don’t Go Into A Relationship With A Broken Or Bitter Woman— Reality TV Star, Kachi To Men



Nigerian reality TV star, Kachi has thrown a caution to men about the kind of women they should stay away from when considering relationship or marriage.

Kachi advised men not to go into a relationship with a bitter and broken woman because you will dragged to the mud.

Kachi further advised men not to ignore the signs as he pointed out that for every action there is a reaction and he knows better now.

Below are a few reactions from Nigerians via Instagram.

icrea8media; ‘If a relationship doesn’t work with you and someone learn to move on. Not Everytime drop fake deep quote.

ijberry1; ‘Same thing goes to men also …..the worst relationship is going into a relationship with a man who never healed from ex .just pray that urs turns better

leaddyskincare; ‘An experience from men made them that way🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️So don’t blame one and leave the main gender that caused this.

bigbrotherclubhouse; Who leaves these women bitter? Is it not men? Your advice should be “do not leave a woman broken and bitter, it has a ripple effect”.
Mr Adviser.

funmabol; He is not lying sha, especially if she hasn’t heal from her past🤣 she is gonna be freaking manipulative and violating

Kachi advised men not to go into a relationship with a bitter and broken woman because you will dragged to the mud.

See more reactions below;

amacah; Not just women.. Men too. For your sanity sake, do not, I repeat, do not go into a relationship or a business partnership with an angry and bitter person, maka ndụ gị..

daisylala; Hmmmn those of you bashing what is the problem gan gan he is talking from experience now that doesn’t mean men can’t be bitter too but na e own e talk so why take it personal

msverachidera; Just like bitter men like you. It takes a bitter man to know a bitter woman. 🙄🙄🙄😒🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ , don’t tell urself a lie that u can fix or repair a broken person .
