Billionaire’s heiress DJ Cuppy has joined the ‘Kwaku The Traveller’ challenge by coining her own rendition which has resonated well with her fans on social media.

Nigerians, including some celebs, have shown massive love to Black Sherif from Ghana since his song penetrated their domain and became a street anthem.

In consonance with this, some Nigerians have filmed themselves singing the song word to word on their various social media page which has inevitably augmented the popularity of the banging sons.

As far as this report is concerned, celebrity DJ and singer DJ Cuppy themed her version on her project work as a student at the University of Oxford.

Meanwhile, Black Sherif gave out some serious legwork in a video obtained  just before he performed his Kwaku the Traveller (KTT) song for the first time in Nigeria.

The Ghanaian artiste was with his new Nigerian friend, Poco Lee as they goofed around probably as a way of psyching himself up before the show he had later in the evening where he excited the crowd with his bangers such as Second Sermon remix and KKT.

It was all fun as Sherif had a good time in Nigeria as he continues to consolidate his soaring fanbase in Nigeria and beyond.