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“Deputy Jesus everywhere” – K-Solo lambasts those criticizing Sammie Okposo



“Deputy Jesus everywhere” – K-Solo lambasts those criticizing Sammie Okposo

Okay-Solo, an award-winning music producer, has lambasted people who proceed to criticize Sammie Okposo, a married gospel singer who admitted to having an affair that led to a being pregnant.

Okay-Solo additionally acknowledged that Okposo’s detractors may “combine pesticides and provides him to drink for going public along with his confession,” and questioned why these “false Christians” stay mute when their preachers deny having an affair.

The music producer additional mentioned that these imposters battle soiled to defend their straying preachers and nonetheless congregate underneath “fornication anointing.”

He alluded that everybody does one misdeed or one other, however grow to be responsible once they’re caught.

See his submit beneath;