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Dai Verse – Sweet Daddy (Remix) ft. Buju



Dai Verse Sweet Daddy
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Sensational promising singer, Dai Verse delivers a catchy new tune, a remake per say, to his single titled “Candy Daddy“.

On the remake of the stunning engaging single monitor, Dai Verse bought vocal hyperlink up and help from melodious proficient vocal raving artist, Buju.

. Dai Verse – Cocaine

As well as, this remake turns up after which the Buju the melodious crooner, gave an listening ear to the unique model of the track, and informed Dai Verse he would love to leap on the remake.

Moreover, this might actually be an astonishing second for the rebellion sensational artist, because the music is already gaining developments.

The beautiful Afro-beats tune wad produced by report producer, Semzi.

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