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Daddy Freeze Hits Back At Man Who Called Him An Anti-Christ For Preaching Against Tithing



The broadcaster took to his verified Facebook page to share the video of a young man who opposed his teaching concerning the payment of tithe by the Christians.

The man as sighted in the video was heard saying Daddy Freeze is leading Nigerians astray with his rigid and uninformed posture about tithing.

“The Bible said that ‘if you pay your tithe, I will open the windows of blessing.’ he said ‘if you don’t pay your tithe, the serpent will come.’ it’s an agreement with steep God and principality. He is the one that made poverty come to Nigeria. 70% of people are following him, assuming I am among the 70% maybe by now I will be in hunger.

It is God that is blessing us, then I will no come and give him his own one-tenth? No. Daddy Freeze is an anti-Christ of our time,” he said.

Reacting to the video, the media personality said.

“Let’s be very honest, Nigeria is where it is more so because of the tithing not as a result of the lack of it. Instead of us paying taxes many of us would rather pay tithe to churches, enriching religious bodies without enriching the government that needs to implement policies and fix infrastructure and all that.

Tithing has nothing to do with Christianity. There is no place in scripture where Christ who is our Lord savior and the official high priest of this new generation as dictated clearly in the book of Hebrews. There is nowhere Christ said Christians should pay tithe,” he said.