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Clergyman David Ibiyeomie Curses Yahoo Boys And Policemen Who Collect Bribe (VIDEO)



David Ibiyeomie, a Port Harcourt-based preacher, has solid a curse on web scammers often called Yahoo boys and the law enforcement officials who collaborate with them.

The acts of web scammers have been frowned upon by a priest who was preaching at his church lately. He claims that their actions have resulted within the demise of sure individuals who have been cheated out of their retirement funds.

”Let me inform us these Yahooboys. Cease! I’m a person of God. You kill folks on a regular basis. If you Yahoo any individual, it’s stealing. Don’t quote it anyhow. It’s stealing. Most individuals, all their retirement advantages, you’re taking it and other people die. I curse you within the identify of Jesus.

It’s a demonic, satanic means of getting cash. Which sort of cash is that? You’re a thief. Regardless of the way you colorise it, you’re a thief. You like stealing! I curse the basis of it. Have you learnt how many individuals you’ve gotten killed? Rip-off kills folks. Some peeople, the entire of their retirement profit..You rip-off them and say you might be shopping for automotive. What nonsense? You’ll get accident with that automotive!”

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Conventional rulers who bestow chieftaincy titles on web scammers are likewise frowned upon, in keeping with the cleric. Such folks, he added, ought to be thought of armed robbers.

He additionally cursed cops who launch arrested web fraudsters after accepting bribes.

 ”And to the police, all of the Yahoo boys, jail them, arrest them. If you happen to take bribe from Yahoo boys, that cash kill you! That blood cash that you simply take will kill you. You recognize why? They stole from any individual who died. You now acquire cash and launch them. You and your loved ones die with it. Police cease taking that sort of cash” he stated

Watch video beneath;

Supply: PressInformant