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Cheap Weddings Are Less Likely To End Up In Divorce – New Study Concludes



According to a new study, couples who spend a lot of money on their wedding are more likely to divorce than couples who save money.

The findings were revealed in a study conducted by the Marriage Foundation, a pro-marriage think tank.

According to the research results, couples who spend a lot of money on their wedding day or invite only a few friends and family are more likely to divorce, as 10% of marriages that started with a wedding costing more than £20,000 broke down within three years – twice the overall divorce rate of 5% during that time.

The researchers discovered that 34% of couples who had ten or less guests at their wedding divorced within ten years — almost double the overall rate of the sample.

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They also discovered that couples who invited a large number of people to their wedding were less likely to divorce than couples who invited a small number of people, implying that the key to a long marriage is to have a low-cost wedding with a large number of guests.

According to the experts, having more visitors in a marriage is beneficial since it affirms the decision to devote to one person and eliminates all other options.

The research director, Harry Benson, said: ‘The data echoes previous research from the US suggesting expensive weddings can be bad for marriages because of the risk of debt. 

‘Taken together, these findings deliver the clear message that marriage doesn’t have to cost the earth and couples should celebrate their special day with their friends and family where possible.’ 

The study included 2,000 people according to the researchers.

Sara Davison, a ‘divorce coach’ who helps couples cope with relationship breakdowns, said:

‘With some weddings it becomes more about having the wedding than about anything.’ else. 

‘So the wedding day, the big dress, the beautiful country manor house, all of those things can overshadow the real reason for getting married. 

‘Then when the wedding day is over, you’re sitting there looking across the table at the person you’ve married and you’re thinking, “Well the wedding day was fun but this isn’t really matching up.”‘

Source; PressInformant