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Biden finally mentions ‘Tesla’ after Elon Musk complains



Biden finally mentions 'Tesla' after Elon Musk complains

US President Joe Biden, who has not publicly referred to Tesla when talking about electrical cars since taking office, lastly did so Tuesday after the carmaker’s head Elon Musk complained regarding the lack of consideration.

The White Home has indicated a want for typical producers utilizing unionized workers, and Musk has made his feelings about that proclivity recognized.

“For causes unknown, @potus is unable to say the phrase ‘Tesla,’” he wrote, tagging the official account of the President of the US, the most recent of a number of tweets focusing on Biden.

The president lastly talked about Tesla at an occasion asserting the creation of an electrical automobile charging station manufacturing facility in Tennessee.

Referring to the businesses that had invested in factories in current months in the US, he first talked about “iconic corporations,” like GM and Ford and their new electrical automobile manufacturing, however then cited “Tesla, our nation’s largest electrical vehicle producer.”

Musk replied to a tweet noting the comment with a smiling shades emoji. (AFP)