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Beverage Vendor Dragged To Court For Producing Marijuana Drink



A beverage vendor has been dragged to courtroom for producing marijuana drinks.

He was dragged to the Somanya District Justice of the Peace Courtroom in Jap Area and as we converse, he has been remanded into police custody.

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The seller is reportedly 24 years outdated and this was revealed in a current report by StarrFM On-line and the identify of the accused was given as Laad Anas.

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In line with the report, Laad was arrested by the Kpong Police on Sunday, January 30, 2022, and upon his arrest, the 36 items of the liquid substance laced with marijuana have been recovered.

Whereas in courtroom, the prosecuting officer who’s within the particular person of Inspector Emmanuel Aryitey prayed to the courtroom to remand the accused to allow police to conduct a forensic laboratory take a look at of the substance inside the subsequent 14 days.

His plea was granted because the case was adjourned with the suspect remanded and set to reappear on February 18, 2022.

Supply: PressInformant