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BBNaija: Tega And I Saw That The House Was Boring, So We Decided To Give The Viewers Content -Boma



Tega and Boma

Tega And I Noticed That The Home Was Boring, So We Determined To Give The Viewers Content material. Big Brother Naija evicted housemate Boma has opened up on his escapades with married girl Tega within the BBnaija home.

Within the interview with the host of the present Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, Boma said that he by no means had intentions of getting something intimate with Tega and in addition didn’t imply to grab Tega from her husband or do something that can have an effect on their marriage.

Tega And I Saw That The House Was Boring, So We Decided To Give The Viewers Content

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Boma disclosed that his escapades with married woman Tega had been simply to boost the present as a result of they each felt the home was boring.

Tega was the boys’ favourite. She is going to make daring jokes, we felt she was higher than most women as a result of we felt ladies had been mendacity that they had been single.

I and Tega noticed that the home was boring, folks had been all the time sleeping, so we determined to present the viewers a present. We felt we may very well be a normal performer.

I didn’t really feel I ought to step again as a result of she was married however now I see. It’s late, I’m human however my intention was to not take a married girl away from her husband.” Boma stated.

Tega And I Saw That The House Was Boring, So We Decided To Give The Viewers Content

Tega And I Saw That The House Was Boring, So We Decided To Give The Viewers Content

Tega And I Saw That The House Was Boring, So We Decided To Give The Viewers Content





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