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Annie Idibia’s Love For Me Is Scary – 2Face Says




Legendary music artist and the father of seven 2Face Idibia has described the love of his wife Annie Idibia as Scary.

2Face made this revelation during the Netflix reality show “Young, Famous & African”. He told his cast member Khanyi Mbau that his wife Annie truly loves him.

During a lunch date with the couple, Khanyi and 2Face discussed his marriage which has been the main topic this week on most blog sites. 2Face stated that he is worried about the mental health of Annie following all the brouhaha that has happened in their relationship.

According to the artist, Annie’s love for him scares him. “Yes it’s scary….I feel it, she shows it even more than I do…it is scary sometimes”.


Speaking further, 2Face said, “She has always shown m how much she loves me, she shows it more than I do. I recognized where I have done wrong, where I should step up my game, sometimes I still slack but I recognize it all.”

“The truth is, there are some things that I can’t fix, the ultimate level of happiness as an adult should depend on you and not on anyone else but on you.”

“I try my best, I try to make her see life, then one or two may be small gifts just for upliftment…and them some of the big things as well”, he said.

Source: PressInformant