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Angry residents block Kaduna-Abuja highway as they protest incessant kidnappings in the area (photos)



Offended residents of Niger state have blocked the Gauraka Abuja-Kaduna Freeway within the Tarfa Native Authorities Space of Niger State, as they protested the incessant kidnappings recorded on the street.

Angry residents block Kaduna-Abuja highway as they protest incessant kidnappings in the area (photos)The irate youths as early as 6am at this time, Might 24, barricaded the busy street with a bonfire, stones, and wooden, insisting that no person will cross till the federal government addresses the difficulty of insecurity within the space. They alleged that kidnappers and bandits have been working locally unhindered each day and kidnapped many residents.

In accordance with them, bandits have been choosing folks up from house to house without any intervention by the security brokers within the space regardless of the presence of a army barracks, Zuma Barracks, within the space.

See more photos of the protesting youths beneath…

Angry residents block Kaduna-Abuja highway as they protest incessant kidnappings in the area (photos)Angry residents block Kaduna-Abuja highway as they protest incessant kidnappings in the area (photos)Angry residents block Kaduna-Abuja highway as they protest incessant kidnappings in the area (photos)