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An artiste that featured me is now beefing me because the song didn’t blow – YCee rants (Video)



Fashionable Nigerian Hip Hop artiste, Oludemilade Martin Alejo, recognized professionally Ycee has dragged an unnamed singer for beefing him over a collaboration.

He shared a video of himself talking on the problem whereas revealing that he lately found the artiste who featured him some years in the past, is sad with him as a result of the monitor didn’t develop into a success.

Ycee then berated the singer for anticipating him to do the work of selling the music even if he didn’t gather a dime from him for the characteristic.

The ‘Jagaban’ crooner then issued a public service announcement that he would not be doing free options.

He requested individuals fascinated by working with him, to succeed in out to his administration and cease contacting him immediately.

Watch the video HERE