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American pastor advises men against having a ‘work-wife’ | PressInformant



An American pastor, has taken to Twitter and advised men against having a work-wife.

The pastor identified as, Dale Patridge on the micro-blogging platform, stated that men who have a wife at the office are committing emotional adultery against their real wife.

According to the American pastor, if a man have a wife at the office, it is an insult to his wedded wife.

He added that having a work-wife can cause danger in marriage. He therefore advised men to stop this, as it is a role-play garbage.

His words,

“Husbands, if you have a woman at the office who you call your “work-wife,” you’re committing emotional adultery against your real wife. Cut the role-play garbage. It’s insulting to your bride and dangerous to your marriage”.

See below,