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A Married Man Has Been Pestering Me For An Affair So I Reported to His Wife – Lady Shares Story




A lady who could not bear the constant harassment from a married man requesting a sexual relationship finally came up with a solution to get him off her back.

The lady identified on Twitter as @deshola55 revealed that she went straight to the man’s wife and told him everything her husband has been doing behind her back.

She wrote; ”This married man has been pestering me for a while now and I decided to tell his wife yesterday. She said “men will be men” Never knew it was possible to make a walk of shame without having sex with someone 😩”

See reactions below;

@NwaAdaIgbo1; My dear, you did the right thing and since the wife doesn’t care, make sure you avoid the st. man. Disgrace him anytime he tries pestering you again

@Vigourjr; What were you trying to achieve by telling the wife??

@AriEmpire_; Most married women know when their husband is cheating. Telling her was a waste of time

@DudeSiloam89; Good one babe. Very good. Sadly though, that woman would rather endure that sh*t than walk away. All the same sha, every Mallam to his kettle. Na she wear the shoe so….

@Jojoneky1; D truth of the whole thing is men can love their wives to the Moon n still cheat…Bringing conscience to play is a personal thing !!!

SOURCE: www.PressInformant