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“A hustling man needs a hustling girlfriend, not a patient one” – Nigerian man (Video) | PressInformant



A Nigerian man has taken to social media to lash out at girlfriends who patiently keep on with their man, whereas he’s nonetheless struggling financially.

The younger man within the video shared on social media, said that what a person wants in his hustling stage is a hustling girlfriend, and never a affected person lady nevertheless.

“What a hustling man needs is a hustling woman, not a patient one" — Nigerian man

In accordance with him, a lady must also work to realize her goals and never simply stick with a person with the mindset that she is patiently ready for him to grow to be profitable.

Talking additional, he questioned girls who reward themselves for sticking with a person who’s presently struggling, and questioned if they don’t seem to be all for working laborious to have the life they a lot want.

Watch the video beneath: