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Abortion Is A Sin Worse Than Murder – Reno Omokri Reveals



Famous Nigerian author Reno Omokri has postulated that abortion is a serious sin and worse than murder.

He stated that he was not going to make any comments about abortion however he revealed that he has been bombarded by people whose faiths are being undermined. He backed his claims as to why it’s a sin with a quote from the Holy Book.

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In a post shared on his Instagram page this evening, Reno wrote;

In other news, Nigerian author Reno Omokri left some advice for single men who celebrated Valentine’s day in their own way.

According to Reno, Valentine has passed and young and single men dumbfounded their girlfriends with expensive items. He stated that all these single men had in return for their expensive giveaways was a sin because they fornicated with them.

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Single men had sin as their gifts according to the former presidential aide. He wrote;

Dear single men,

Valentine has come and gone. You got your girlfriend an expensive gift. What did she get you? Hint: fornication is not a gift. It is a sin. So, if you gave her gifts and she gave you a sin, what type of person are you dating? Certain not an angel!

Source; PressInformant