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13th Amendment of US Constitution on display in River North for Black History Month 2022; Abraham Lincoln items also shown



CHICAGO (WLS) — An essential piece of historical past is now on show in Chicago.

The U.S. Structure’s thirteenth Modification, which abolished slavery, is a one-of-a-kind doc in American historical past. You’ll be able to see it at Heritage Auctions in River North in honor of Black Historical past Month.

SEE ALSO | What’s Black Historical past Month, and why is it essential?

Curtis Lindner, the director of Americana at Heritage Auctions, joined ABC7 to debate the historic doc on show.

Heritage Auctions has a number of issues on show, however Linder talked in regards to the thirteenth Modification and its historical past. He additionally mentioned how such an essential, previous doc might be saved in good situation.

Heritage Auctions additionally has a number of objects from former President Abraham Lincoln’s time, together with the Fredericksburg’s letter and a reward poster for John Wilkes Sales space. Linder talked about what folks must know in the event that they wish to come see any of these historic items.

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