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US Accuses Putin Of Brutality And Depravity in Ukraine



US Accuses Putin

The United States have accused Russian President, Vladimir Putin of what it describes as depravity and brutality in his invasion of Ukraine.

They said Russia’s president has brought violence and cruelty to innocent people living in the country. A Ukrainian presidential adviser, Olelsiy Arestovych, says Ukraine has taken serious losses, but Russian casualties have been colossal.

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

A lot of civilians have been killed in the latest Russian bombardment of the Donetsk region and Kharkiv to the North.

The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing war between Russia (together with pro-Russian separatist forces) and Ukraine. It began in February 2014 following the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, and initially focused on the status of Crimea and parts of the Donbas, internationally recognised as part of Ukraine.