In a stunning incident that unfolded in Delhi’s Rohini, Sahil, a 20-year-aged male, dedicated a brutal and heart-wrenching crime. Sahil mercilessly murdered his slight girlfriend within...
Suparna Singh is a well-known determine within the Indian media business. She had a big affiliation with NDTV (New Delhi Tv), a number one information channel...
Rajeev Dhoundiyal was born in November 14, 1990. As per 2023 he’s 32 years of age. He has all the time been a well-known information anchor...
Jaya Verma Sinha is an Indian railway officer at the moment serving as a Member of Operations & Enterprise Improvement within the Railway Board. She has...
Nita Sharm is a well-liked Indian actress, mannequin, social media star, influencer, and public determine. She was born on the seventh of October 1997 in Siliguri,...
Malika Malhotra is an achieved Indian information journalist and anchor identified for her insightful evaluation of rising developments within the Indian and international economies. Along with...
Pappu Karki was a well known Kumaoni singer. He was born on thirtieth June 1984 in Shailavn village, Uttrakhand, India. He was the star singer of...
Pooja Kaif: Wiki, Bio, Age, Peak, Weight, College, Household, Companion, Mohammad Kaif Spouse, Caste, Training, Husband, Boyfriend, Nationality, Birthday, Faith, Profession, Background, Ethnicity, Instagram, Home, Net...
Sunetra Choudhury: Wiki, Bio, Age, Peak, Weight, College, Household, Companion, Salary , Journalist, Schooling, NDTV, Twitter, Caste, Workplace, Husband, Boyfriend, Nationality, Birthday, Profession, Background, Ethnicity, Instagram,...
Bhoomika is a mannequin and social media character who was additionally a participant in MTV Splitsvilla season 13 in 2021, and he or she is now...