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Kanu may go blind in DSS detention, his sight deteriorating – Ozekhome tells court



Human rights lawyer, Chief Mike Ozekhome, who is the lead counsel to the embattled leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, on Wednesday, decried the deteriorating health of his client.

Ozekhome lamented that Kanu may go blind in the custody of the Department of State Services, (DSS).

The Senior Advocate Nigeria raised the alarm at the resumed trial of Kanu at the Federal High Court in Abuja, which was presided by Justice Binta Nyako.

On the issue of Kanu’s sight, Ozekhome said: “My lord, since 2015, his glasses were taken from him.

“The one he wore before his extraordinary rendition from Kenya was also taken from him.

“Till now, he does not have glasses to wear and his sight is deteriorating.

“My Lord we do not want the Defendant to go blind, that is why we have decided to bring it to the attention of the court.”

Meanwhile, after listening to Ozekhome, Justice Binta Nyako said she would look into the matter.

Kanu’s counsel also argued that the IPOB leader was extraordinarily renditioned from Kenya in 2021.

Ozekhome stressed that the offences allegedly committed by Kanu have no basis, adding that where and when they were committed was not stated in the charges.

The senior advocate also stated that Nigeria has no territorial jurisdiction.

Kanu is facing a 15-count charge bordering on terrorism, treason, incitement and operating an unlawful group.