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If $3x On The First Day Makes You Cheap, When Does It Make You Expensive – Isreal DMW Quizzes



Davido’s logistics manager Isreal DMW has quizzed when is the right time to have $3x with someone to make you expensive and not cheap.

Isreal DMW seems confused about why people call those who have $3x on the first date cheap hence quizzes when is the right moment to have $3x with someone you are going out with to make you expensive and not cheap.

According to him, if sleeping with someone on the first day makes you cheap, when does it now make you expensive as he seems not to understand why people who sleep with their dates the first time are called cheap.

Most ladies are called cheap when they sleep with men on the first date and Isreal DMW who seems to have encounter one wants to know when it’s right to sleep with a man to make you the lady expensive and not cheap.

Sleeping with a man on the first date doesn’t make a lady cheap but then since that has been the mentality most people have, Isreal DMW is soliciting answers to know when is the right time to sleep with a man to make you expensive.

screenshot below;Biology