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Seek God First And He Will Take Care Of All Your Needs – Rev Bempah



The Holy Hill Assemblies of God Church’s Reverend Dr Kwadwo Bempah has exhorted Christians to present God first place of their life with a purpose to flourish.

He preached this sermon on Sunday on the subject, “Partaking the legislation of seedtime and harvest”.

“Serving God makes one affluent. Search God first and He’ll care for all of your wants. It doesn’t matter what prophesies you could have acquired. If you don’t pursue God first, you gained’t expertise the blessings He has in inventory for you,” he stated.

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He quoted from Psalm 63:8 saying: “My soul [my life, my very self] clings to You; Your proper hand upholds me.”

He advised that Christians make God a precedence of their life by successful souls, giving firstfruits, planting cash seeds, and obeying God’s each command.

Nonetheless, he quoted from Psalm 119:46 saying: “I’ll communicate to kings about your legal guidelines, and I can’t be ashamed.

He claimed that if any Christian was embarrassed to talk about God, he can be reluctant to affiliate with that Christian.

Rev Dr Bempah went on to say that anybody who labored to advance God’s Kingdom and pursued God’s enterprise would have God working in his life as nicely.

He urged them to stroll in obedience to God always, as a result of the legislation of obedience introduced God’s guarantees to fruition.

Christians mustn’t withhold their monetary seeds and choices from God, in keeping with Rev Dr Bempah, as a result of each seed sowed represents a risk for them to expertise monetary overflows.

“God will at all times provide you with a seed to see what you’ll use it for. Each seed God offers you is what He’ll use to satisfy your want,” he stated.

He quoted from Galatians 6:7; “Don’t be misled—you can’t mock the justice of God. You’ll at all times harvest what you plant.”

Supply: PressInformant