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“No Single Lady Should Be Blamed For Snatching Any Married Man or Breaking Homes” – Lady Blames Married Men Instead



“No Single Lady Should Be Blamed For Snatching Any Married Man or Breaking Homes” – Lady Blames Married Men Instead. A Nigerian lady who uses the handle @Ore_akinde on Twitter has stated that men are to take the blame if a case infidelity in marriage comes up.

The fashion designer and crochet creator posited that a man is the one who vows to be love his wife alone so when another woman snatches the man from his wedded wife, society should not accuse the side chick but the man.

According to her, the man has the choice to refuse the advances by the other woman but he ends up having an affair with her and must be held accountable for it not the ‘snatcher’.

Here’s what she tweeted;

“In my opinion, No single babe should be blamed for snatching any man, breaking any household, ‘causing any man to cheat’ even if she knew he is married. The married man is question was the one that made the vows to his wife & should be held responsible for his actions.”

“Why does the onus lie on her to reject the advances when it’s the married man that’s out of line?

Nope, she doesn’t owe you or the society shit, she doesn’t need to uphold your morals, the married man should respect his marriage vows that only he took with his wife.”

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