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My 34-Year Old Son Has Never Met His Father – Kemi Olunloyo Opens Up On Her Past



US Trained and award-winning investigative journalist and clinical pharmacist Kemi Olunloyo has opened up on her past about her baby daddy.

In a post sighted on her Twitter page, Kemi disclosed that her son who is now 34 years old has never met his father because the man abandoned her when she got pregnant at age 23. She stated that the father of her son is an executive in the Lagos state government.

Kemi Olunloyo has warned young ladies never to get pregnant for a man because of a promise they make to them. She disclosed that because of what her baby daddy did to her, she vowed never to get married to any man. She took the opportunity to advise the baby mama of Davido, Chioma to further her education and polish her cooking skills because it is more important than any other thing.

“At 23, I was a single mom who had a 6 months old son abandoned by his father who lied that he would marry me when I got pregnant. I later became a Clinical Pharmacist at $90K/yr. My son now 34years, never met his dad an Executive in the Lagos state govt. Young ladies get your PAPER.”

“Don’t get pregnant on a promise. This is one of the reasons I vowed never to get married. Chioma get your paper as I warned you 2018, Pump your cooking show, classes, tour, etc. Never depend on a man. Dropping out of school is a NO. STAY IN SCHOOL. Ain’t seen that man since 1986”.

“I’m sorry NO MORE Comments on my Twitter page. I haven’t seen so much hate in my 27 year career. For my real fans, pls go to Instagram community. I have taken off my verification to go private. I now select my audience. I resumed daily Journalism today since Dec 31st. Goodnight”.