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Lady reveals how she retaliated after her boyfriend dumped her



A lady has revealed how she retailated after her boyfriend dumped her


The lady identified as Herels Ameenat, took to the micro-blogging platform, and narrated how her boyfriend dumped her.

In her tweet on the micro-blogging platform, Herels Ameenat stated that her boyfriend dumped her and she retaliated.

This did not seat well with the beautiful lady and she sought means to pay him back in his own coin.

She therefore retaliated by dating her boyfriend’s landlord. This she did in order to get back at her boyfriend who dumped her.

Herels Ameenat however stated that she and her boyfriend’s landlord are planning to increase his house rent.

She tweeted,

“He dumped me so I’m dating his landlord. We are increasing his rent tomorrow”.


See below,