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Kristen Bell’s Netflix Sex Scene Caused a Very Awkward Moment for Fan



Kristen Bell’s Netflix Intercourse Scene Triggered a Very Awkward Second for Fan – NY Morning Star

A fan of Kristen Bell‘s Netflix homicide thriller comedy miniseries is issuing a warning to fellow viewers: Literal parental steering not prompt.

On Saturday, Jan. 29, a Twitter consumer named Eric recounted the painfully awkward second that he skilled whereas watching a notably raunchy a part of The Girl within the Home Throughout the Road from the Lady within the Window along with his mother and girlfriend. 

The finish of episode 5 sees Kristen’s character, Anna, have graphic intercourse with Rex, performed by Benjamin Levy Aguilar, in a number of spots all through her complete residence.

After ending the episode, Eric tweeted, “Simply watched kristen bell get completely RAILED with my girlfriend and my mother in the identical room…”

Whereas it would’ve been a completely mortifying second for him, Kristen discovered it completely hilarious. The actress responded, “Hahahahaha sorry dude.” 

Eric then joked to the actress, “It is advisable apologize to my mother proper now.” 

Supply: Eonline