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Jessie Buckley Encounters a Haunting Figure in “Men” Trailer



Jessie Buckley Encounters a Haunting Figure in "Men" Trailer

Picture Supply: YouTube consumer A24

Prepare for one more scary horror flick from A24. On Feb. 9, the corporate launched the primary teaser for its upcoming film titled “Males,” starring Oscar nominee Jessie Buckley. Within the chilling trailer, Buckley performs Harper, who’s reeling from a private tragedy and retreats to the English countryside in hopes of discovering a spot to heal. However as a substitute, she encounters somebody (or maybe one thing) that is stalking her from afar.

A24 describes Harper’s dilemma within the feverish movie as a “simmering dread [that] turns into a fully-formed nightmare,” utilizing her “darkest reminiscences and fears” to spook her. The teaser clip does not reveal a lot else about what Buckley’s character will encounter, however the haunting determine following her in every single place will certainly reveal a scary thriller when the complete trailer drops.

Information of Buckley’s newest position comes after her Oscar nomination for greatest actress in a supporting position for “The Misplaced Daughter.” In “Males,” she’ll star alongside Rory Kinnear and Paapa Essiedu. The upcoming Alex Garland-directed horror film is slated to launch on Could 20. Forward, watch the trailer for A24’s “Males.”