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Jaruma gifts Abuja correctional facility inmates foodstuff, vows to feed them till she die (Video) | PressInformant



Fashionable aphrodisiac vendor, Hauwa Saidu, higher referred to as Jaruma, has gifted the inmates of Kuje correctional facility in Abuja, foodstuff, sanitary pads, pampers amongst others.


Jaruma on Thursday, twenty eighth January, 2022, donated items to the inmates at Kuje correctional facility in Abuja, after she was launched after spending 4 days in detention on the facility.

Recall that Jaruma was re-arrested on Monday twenty fourth, January, 2022, by Abuja police performing on the order of billionaire politician, Ned Nwoko.

Ned had her arrested for allegedly defaming him on social media.

Jaruma was launched on bail on Friday and she or he donated items like foodstuff, sanitary pads, pampers and many others to the inmates.

In response to her in a video shared on her social media web page, whereas in detention she met feminine inmates who’ve infants, pregnant feminine inmates and the likes.

She donated items to them and vowed to proceed feeding them until she die.

Watch video beneath,