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“I Have Issues With Gay Christians Who Try To Convince Me That The Bible Is Not Opposed To Homosexuality”-Bolu Okupe




Popular Nigerian LGBTQi+ activist, Bolu Okupe has expressed his displeasure in how some gay Christians try to refute claims that the Bible and the Christian religion are against homosexuality.

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According to him, he finds it very discomforting about the fact that someday Christians try to convince him that the Bible is not opposed to homosexuality or the LGBTQi+ community.

In a tweet, Bolu Okupe intimated that it is unarguable that the Bible has some of its verses opposing homosexuality and this needs not be challenged by anyone.

He also averred that some verses in the Bible need to be revised just in order to prevent some people from using those verses to justify their homophobias, thereby opposing homosexuality.

See his tweet below:

In other news, outstanding Ghanaian media personality, Amanda Jissih has revealed that she got to know her mother had passed on years after she became older.

While expressing her undying gratitude to the woman she presumed was her mother, Amanda Jissih stated that she got to know the woman who was taking care of her was her aunt and not her mother.

Speaking in an interview on the United Showbiz, Amanda stated that she got to know the lady was her aunt when she grew up and also got to know her biological mother had passed on long ago.

In other news, Ghanaian media personality, Serwaa Amihere has also added her voice to the numerous complaints made by Ghanaians over the hardships in the country.

Source: www.