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Ese Eriata Slams Colleagues Who Are Posting Their Bank Accounts Details, After Davido Raked In Over N150 Million Naira



Ese Eriata

Actress and actuality TV star, Ese Eriata, has berated her colleagues who’ve begun posting their account numbers on social media after Davido raised over N100 million in donations made by his pals and followers.


Ese Eriata questioned why her colleagues didn’t publish their account numbers or solicit for funds earlier than Davido did, including that the singer has helped lots of people and simply needs them to return the favour.


Ese Eriata stated celebrities posting their account numbers ought to simply say they want cash and that their followers ought to ship them cash.


See what she wrote beneath

Ese Eriata



Ese Eriata Slams Colleagues

Ese Eriata Slams Colleagues

Ese Eriata Slams Colleagues

Ese Eriata Slams Colleagues