On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, Bobrisky announced his marriage list via his official Instagram handle.

He revealed that no man can take him from his father unless they can provide all the items listed in his long list. The list includes 100 bags of rice, 100 million taxi money to bring the bride, 10 cows, a 100million to his dad, 200 yams, 5 million knocking fee amongst others.

Once a man is able to fulfill all of these, he (Bobrisky) can now be his wife. The list was shared on the photo and video sharing platform, it reads;

100 bags of rice

Taxi money to bring the bride 100million

Money to unveil the the bride 55million

My grandma acceptance free 166million

Money for my dad to accept 100million

Acceptance fee from the elders 5m

Acceptance fee for my brothers 55million

10 cows

155 carton of malt

200 yams

My engagement ring 💍 worth ($100k)

Kolanut 100

Dry fish 1million

Alligator pepper one basket

Bitter kola 100


150 bags of salt

159 bags of sugar

200 packs of water

Basket of assorted fruit

Umbrella 🌂

Letter of my husband marriage proposal

Fee for the day from my husband 20million

Knocking of the door 5million

After all dis right i can be ur wife


