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Diversify Your Income – Shade Ladipo Says As She Feels Sad That Korra Obidi Can’t Log Off Socia Media




Media personality Shade Ladipo has advised that one should diversify their income as she feels sad that Korra Obidi can’t log off social media after all that’s happening because it’s her only source of income.

Korra Obidi is supposed to log off social media and focus on her mental health and her baby as a breastfeeding mother but can’t do so because it’s her only source of income and has to look strong and stay perfect on the gram.

Shade Ladipo reacting to how sad that makes her advised that as an individual, you have to diversify your income and not be reliant on one especially social media/entertainment income because it can be deadly even though it’s seemingly lucrative.

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According to her, seeing what is happening with Korra Obidi and her family, she feels sad for her that she can’t simply log off and close off herself from all the drama since it’s what pays her bills, she has to look strong and make money.

It’s really sad that Korra Obidi is going through all this and can’t log off social media just for some time for her mental health but is gradually pushing all she’s feeling into her subconscious mind while trying to look strong in making money.

screenshot below;

Source: www.