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Check Out The Names Of The Masterminds Including Police Officers Who Are Behind The Bullion Van Robberies (VIDEO)




According to him, this list includes some Ghanaian police officers adding that some of the robbers are friends with some of the top men in the Ghana Police Force so the police really find it difficult to arrest them.

He boldly made this known in a recent submission on his popular show, THE HOT SEAT which is aired on the popular Ghanaian TV station, NET 2 TV.

He indicated that the robbers being these robberies are mostly seen every Saturday at their joint in Kwabenya where they display their exotic and expensive cars as well as their firearms.

Kwaku Annan emphatically stated that the police have a vast knowledge of these activities, however, since these people are the friends of some top policemen they cannot go after them.

Watch the video below;

Source: PressInformant