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Be Careful How You Treat A Woman – Reno Omokri Warns Men



Reno Omokri has warned men to be careful of how they treat their women because women are more sensitive than men and when hurt can shock you by their reaction.

Reno Omokri a few days ago disclosed that the ideal marriage is one where the man is older than the woman and not the other way round and today has warned men to be very careful of how they treat their women.

According to him, men should be careful how they treat women because they are more sensitive than men and when hurt, they can shock you with their reaction since you never knew or imagined they could do that.

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Reno Omokri then added that a well-loved woman will move mountains for her man however if you break her heart, she may drop the mountains she moved on your head and you can only imagine the consequence of that.

Therefore, how you treat a woman will determine whether she will move mountains for you or she will shock you with her reaction especially when you need their love and support the most.

screenshot below;

Source: www.